Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Glass beach & New Shoe Shelf

When we drove from California to Seattle with Auntie Chris in late December we made it just past Mendocino for the first night and then first thing the next morning (when you travel with a 4 year old, all mornings are early mornings, which is fine with me) we went down the road to glass beach.

The beach is the site of the former Ft. Bragg city landfill.  The landfill closed in the late 1960s and since then it's contents has been weathered and worn by the waves and tide.  The beach really is covered in weathered, beautiful sea glass.  When you first look, it seems like it is pebbles but then you get a little closer or pick up a hand full and it is probably a 40/60 glass to rocks ratio.  Amazing.  

There are more and better photos here.

We, of course, picked up a little glass.  We could not restrain ourselves.  Over the past few weeks Auntie Chris has been re-vamping our entry hall catch all table and shoe shelf (we are a shoes off in the house kind of family).  She cleaned it up, put in some extra shelves so it will hold more shoes, and painted it the most wonderful, cheerful yellow.  The first thing I put on it when we got it back in the house was those little bits of glass from glass beach.

The top of the entry shelf historically has been home to Liam's nature table.  I envisioned the nature table as a lovely, serene place were he and I would compose simple and attractive little vignettes out of beautiful things he gathered in the natural world.  Liam sees it as a place to dump hand fulls of rocks, shells, acorns, dead leaves, and, I kid you not, the dirt and dead ladybugs that always seem to find a way into his pockets.  (Mommy! Look!  It's Nature!)  So, for now, I am holding off on recreating the nature table and just enjoying our beautiful  yellow shelf. . .and our little bits of sea glass from glass beach.

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