Tuesday, May 5, 2009


IV Antibiotics. That's the plan for Will's current lung infection. It appears that the only thing growing in his cultures is the expected pseudomonas aeruginosa -- such a big problem for people with CF both before and after lung transplant. Turns out that Will's current pseudomonas is completely resistant to Cipro. So much for the high-dose Cipro. So, now Will will be on meropenem and aztreonam by IV every 8 hours and (still) the inhaled Colistin and HTS. Quite the regimen. Hopefully it works and he'll start to feel better soon.

I have to go back to Hanford tomorrow, leaving around 5:30 AM, so Liam is at Will's parents' tonight and tomorrow night. The house is sure quiet without him.

1 comment:

Eb said...

Best of luck with the new medical treatment. Sure put my tooth ache into perspective! So sorry you have to go through all this. Thinking of you.