Friday, August 14, 2009

Will's 2nd Birthday Celebration

These are the photos of our at home celebration. Will's sister sent us these little ceramic animal-candle holders last winter and they are beyond cute. A week or so ago Liam noticed them in the china cupboard and went nuts. He has been so wanting to get them out ever since. We told him that we would put them on the table for Will's birthday and he was so excited when the time finally came that he could hardly control himself. (This resulted in only slight breakage to only one of the candle holders and I think I can glue it.)

After dinner Liam ferried them all one by one from the table to the china cupboard and climbed up on his step-stool to put them away. Then we had to name everyone in the entire extended family, plus Abby (my parents' cat), Emma (my parents' SWD) and Lily (Will's parents' cat), and assure Liam we could take the candles out for their birthdays too.

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