Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Writer's Almanac & Smitten Kitchen

Are you ever listening to the radio when this comes on? I love it. A year or so ago I subscribed to it as some kind of email feed so gets delivered to my in box about this time of night every day. It's great. Today's poem is wonderful. Yesterday's also. A few weeks ago, or some time, there was a poem by John Updike. I always forget he wrote poetry and, of course, it's amazing. Anyway: this is a small thing, but think how nice it might be to have a new poem every morning to read while you drink your coffee. Even when I don't like the poem, it's still nice.

The other thing on the Internet that I love these days: Smitten Kitchen. I guess everyone in the whole wide entire Internet knew about this before me, but, still, whatever. The food is all so good. And, someday I'll have time to read the food photography tips, which has the potential to end much annoyance and frustration.

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